Families Change Parent Guide to Separation & Divorce

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Where can we get more help?

This section describes the services, websites, and publications that can help you with child support.


Legal Information and Help

The provincial government program includes the following services:

  1. Family Law Information Centres (FLICs): FLICs are located at every family court. They give legal information and, in some cases, can refer you to an advice counsel lawyer for general legal advice. If your income is low enough, advice counsel can give you legal advice about your case. If your income isn’t low enough, advice counsel can still give you some general information about the family court process.
  2. Family Court Duty Counsel: If your income is low enough and your case is about child custody, access, or support, you can get some general legal advice and help from the duty counsel lawyer at your court on the day you are in court.
  3. Family Law Service Centres (FLSCs): Some Ontario communities have FLSCs, which offer a range of legal services. If your income is low enough, a staff lawyer may represent you in court.
  4. Family Law Information Program (FLIP): FLIP is a free online resource that has legal and practical information on topics such as child custody, shared parenting, and support.
  5. The Law Society Referral Service (LSRS): This online service gives you the name of a lawyer in your community who can give you 30 minutes of free legal advice. You don't have to hire this person as your lawyer. You can't, ask for a second referral for the same legal problem.
  6. Legal Aid Ontario (LAO): If your income is low enough, you may be able to get a legal aid certificate which pays for a lawyer for a certain number of hours. You might have to pay some of the lawyer's fees depending on your income and assets, and if you go over the hours approved.
  7. Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) Summary Advice Line: If you have a family law issue, you may be able to get free summary legal advice over the phone from an LAO lawyer for up to 20 minutes. There is no financial eligibility test for general information and referrals. For more information, call 1-800-668-8258.
  8. Student Legal Clinics: Each law school in Ontario has a legal aid clinic staffed by law students under the supervision of lawyers. These clinics are located at the University of Ottawa, University of Toronto, Queen’s University (Kingston), University of Windsor, York University (Toronto), and Western University (London). If your income is law enough, you may be able to get help with child custody, access, and support. Some can help with other family law issues like restraining orders and spousal support as well.
  9. Family Violence: If you’re experiencing violence or abuse and need immediate legal help, you can get a free two-hour consultation with a lawyer through the Family Violence Authorization Program. The program is offered through some women’s shelters, community legal clinics, Family Law Service Centres, and by calling Legal Aid’s Client Service Centre at 1-800-668-8258.
  10. Family Court Support Workers: This service provides direct support to victims of domestic violence who are involved in the family court process. For more information, call If you have questions about the program, or need helping finding your service provider, please call the Victim Support at 1-888-579-2888, or 416-314-2447.


FamiliesChange.ca: This website contains information to help all members of the family cope with separation and divorce. There are resources for children, teens, and parents. There is also on online course called Online Parenting After Separation, which helps parents understand the importance of putting the needs of the children first.

Child Support – Ministry of the Attorney General: Clear information to help parents understand child support and find help.

Federal Child Support Guidelines: Step-By-Step: This guide includes worksheets to help parents figure out things like special or extraordinary expenses and undue hardship.

Family Responsibility Office (FRO): A government agency that collects, distributes, and enforces both child and spousal support payments.